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God’s Plan: Navigating Purpose and Opportunity

Hey there, friends! Welcome back to Turning Heads Blog, an online community for Christian women exploring their faith in Christ. Today’s blog post holds a message close to every heart - navigating the path of purpose and opportunity in our lives.

Purpose and opportunity - these may seem like two very similar things. Both are exciting, door-opening passions that will change the way we do life. Yet there is an important difference to focus on: opportunity is a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something, but purpose is the reason something is done.

Anything is possible in this day and age, especially with God on your side, fighting your battles. It’s taught to us all from a very young age: you can do anything that you set your mind to. Opportunities arise, sometimes many at one time, leaving you to question: What is my reason? What is my purpose? Which path am I meant to follow?

During my quiet time, I found myself in John chapter 6 of the Bible, where Jesus feeds the five thousand. Many of us have heard the sermon a million times, some of us even from our childhood days in Sunday school. Jesus, going to a mountainside with his disciples, drew a crowd alongside him, expecting to hear the Word of God. Testing his disciples, the Lord spoke, asking “‘Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?’” (John 6:5). His followers, doubting, found a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish. How could this ever be enough? And yet, Jesus, the bread of life, made a way.

The draw from this renowned message is faith - faith that God will make a way, even when it seems impossible. For the times when there is nowhere else to turn, when every door closes… God will fight for you. He will bring blessings beyond compare. Yes, at times the road can seem rocky…. filled with fog, no visible way ahead. God will provide. Yet this leaves us with a new question: Where do I turn when the road splits in two?

During my reading of this passage, a new verse in particular stood out to me:

John 6:15 - “Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself.”

After every miracle that He performed, Jesus gained more and more followers - people astounded by the power of the Son of God, who had witnessed His work through their very own eyes. They began to believe. And naturally, they would want to honor Him with the highest exaltion they could humanly think to give - kingship. Who better to protect them, to rule over them than the Son of God? Knowing their thoughts, Jesus chose to withdraw to his quiet time with the Lord… a mountain where He could speak with His father, alone. He chose to leave their praise and their opportunity to instead pursue the Lord, for He knew that His purpose was not to be found there. He chose to instead trust God’s plan.

Sometimes in our own lives, we can be tempted to choose opportunity over purpose. Maybe it’s a higher paying job, or a new promotion. Or maybe it’s something more specific - a person, maybe. That relationship that you’ve been praying for. Deep down inside, you know this isn’t the partner for you… but it feels so good to at least have someone. On the outside, these can seem like great opportunities. But consider it’s place in your life, long-term. Pray to God, find it inside yourself. Is this the purpose for your life? Is this where you want to be?

John 6:27 - “Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval.”

God has a plan, a greater purpose for your life. There are so many doors that will open for you, son or daughter of God. According to Psalm 144:15, ”Blessed are the people whose God is the Lord!” Our God, the Lord of Lords and King of Kings, has so much fruitfulness and abundance to offer you. Sometimes, faith is about being able to say ”no” to current opportunities because you trust that God has more for your life - and your purpose.

Let’s pray: God, thank you so much for everything that You have created. You are beautiful, Jesus, You are glorious. I know that You have opened so many doors for me, and You will continue to provide opportunites and blessings on my life. You have promised those who love You and know You fruitfulness beyond measure; You say that my cup will overflow. Jesus, I trust you and I have full faith that You will continue to provide for me and my family. Please light the way, Holy Spirit, and allow me to see and understand my purpose in Your great plan, that I may know which opportunities to pursue. Thank you, in Jesus’ name, amen.


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