Social Media Detox and Next Steps (12.13.22 Update)
Hey there, friends, and welcome back to Turning Heads Blog, an open space for women of faith to join, share and grow in their walks of faith. It's been a couple months but I'm back today to come forward with an update on my life and struggles I've had lately in practicing mindfulness and trusting the Lord.
My last genuine life update (aside from sermons) was about a year ago where I opened up about my struggles with mental health. After reading this post, make sure to go check it out.
It's been a couple months since I've posted. I've been trying to take a step back and truly figure out what I want to do with my life. I'm at a crossroads. The time is coming up for me to have a plan, a step forward, a way out. Everyone seems to be turning to me, asking the question I dread the most: what's next?
One thing about me, I'm a planner. Ever since I was little, I've always been the one to be prepared. I think it's safe to say I've made about twenty different life plans in the past three years. "I'll be living in this state, have this career, undergo this training and be making such and such amount of money by (blank) age." Yet now that the time has come to take action, I'm stuck. I feel like a deer in the headlights. Lost. What step do I take? What is my purpose?
I think one of my worst fears is to make the wrong choice and end up stuck. I've never been in a lasting relationship - something I struggle with, knowing that I'm never the one to stick around. I grew up watching the people around me feel trapped - in their jobs, marriages, habits. That terrifies me. It was fun to imagine the future when it didn't feel real. Not so much now.
I've been working on handing this over to the Lord. Saying to Him, Jesus take my life in your hands. Hold me between your fingers and mold my decisions. Spirit, fill my heart and lead me only in the ways that glorify You.

I have a few different options that I've been considering for my future. Funny enough, they are polar opposites - in location, studies, and day-to-day life. I pray that the Lord continues to work in my heart and lead me the right way.
One thing that I feel has really helped me in my clarity has been to do a social media detox. Simply deleting these addicting apps has helped clear my mind and my phone. I feel like I can breathe. I'm coming up for air for the first time in a long time.
The first days were hard. I kept checking my phone, surprised, numbed even, to find no notifications. I didn't know what to do in a social setting when everyone was just on their phones. I kept wondering to myself, what if someone needs to contact me? What if they think I'm rude for not responding, when in reality I just haven't seen the message? Yet I considered: if someone was truly important in my life, they would have my phone number. We would actually talk in real life, not just over a screen.

Another struggle I found myself facing: FOMO - the fear of missing out. But missing out on what, exactly? What an acquaintance, someone I barely know, had for breakfast this morning? How does that help my life? How does that move me forward, in my path or in my relationship with God? It doesn't. So why should I need it? I don't.
This social media detox has truly helped to clear up my mind and focus on my mindfulness, my relationship with God and my path forward. My next steps. My life has felt so much more full. My soul rejoices. I can truly fill my cup with activities that make me happy, like reading, learning, listening to music, or working out. Taking hot showers, shaving my legs and doing my skin care. Spending time with outdoors, with my family and people that I love. Truly taking a step back and listening. Listening to God. Listening to nature. The birds outside, chirping. The sizzling of the pan, meat and veggies combined in a new recipe. The voice of my mother on the phone.
I'm finding peace amid the chaos. The calm before the storm - except maybe this time it will last.

I strongly suggest giving this social media detox a try. Even if you don't feel comfortable deleting it entirely at first... try for a day. Delete your social media for one day, and redownload it the next. See what you missed - I guarantee, it won't be a whole lot.
Well, friends, that sums up my take on life lately. I'm so grateful to be able to come back to this platform, to come back to you and share how I've been feeling. Thank you for reading today, and I hope to see you again next time at Turning Heads Blog. Make sure to fill out the form on the bottom of my site if you have anything that I could pray for you or your family about.
Until next time <3.